default s2s port when SRV not present - how to do?

I found only two servers that have set a correct SRV, and there is no problem with connecting to these. But many others, including these most popular in Poland, do not have. When making s2s connection to such server, ejabberd tries something funny:

=INFO REPORT==== 31-Dec-2007::00:33:14 ===
D(<0.350.0>:ejabberd_s2s_out:236) : s2s_out: connecting to

How to make ejabberd replace this 'undefined' with a default port number? I'm sure it is possible, otherwise the ejabberd server would be useless.
This is ejabberd version 2.0.0-beta1 and erlang R11B_2.

Bug known and fixed. Temporary solution

Yes, this was a new bug included in ejabberd 2.0.0-beta1: Fixed behavior when outgoing_s2s_port option is not defined. It's already fixed in SVN.

As a temporary solution for ejabberd 2.0.0-beta1, add this to your ejabberd.cfg:

{outgoing_s2s_port, 5269}.

Once you get a fixed version, you can remove that line.

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