Ejabberd 2.0 RC1 ODBC problem

When using ODBC I get following the error

=ERROR REPORT==== 30-Jan-2008::10:59:03 ===
E(<0.258.0>:ejabberd_odbc:254) : ODBC connection (DSN=ejabberd;UID=ejabberd;PWD=ejabberd) failed: odbc_not_started

But when doing the following in erlang it works

1> application:start(odbc).
2> {ok,Ref} = odbc:connect("DSN=ejabberd;UID=ejabberd;PWD=ejabberd",[{scrollable_cursors, off}]).

I am using erlang R12. Am I doin some thing wrong?

Here is the cfg file
%% ODBC compatible or MSSQL server:
{odbc_server, "DSN=ejabberd;UID=ejabberd;PWD=ejabberd"}.

The ejabberd Guide has been

The ejabberd Guide has been updated, and now it says:


Erlang/OTP R10B-9 up to R11B-5. Erlang R12 releases are not yet officially supported, and are not recommended for production servers.

Try with Erlang R11B-5. Maybe it doesn't fix this ODBC problem, but it will probably prevent other problems when you advance in the ejabberd testing.

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