ejabberd won't start on gentoo linux

Had this working the other day on my Gentoo box and now when I try to start ejabberd, get the following error message. I've checked the ejabberd.cfg file and don't see anything abnormal.

init.d # ejabberd start
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.6.1 [source] [async-threads:0]

Eshell V5.6.1 (abort with ^G)
=ERROR REPORT==== 28-Mar-2008::10:34:46 ===
E(<0.40.0>:ejabberd_config:68) : Can't load config file "/etc/jabber/ejabberd.cfg": {438,
"]},\n\t\t {access,"}}

=INFO REPORT==== 28-Mar-2008::10:34:46 ===
application: ejabberd
exited: {bad_return,{{ejabberd_app,start,[normal,[]]},
["unterminated string starting with \"]},\\n\\t\\t {access,\""]]}}}
type: temporary

It seems there's a syntax

It seems there's a syntax error in your ejabberd.cfg. Maybe you didn't notice it.

If you post your full config file, we could take a look to check if there's some syntax error in it.

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