Hi there,
I tried to install and configure ejabberd on my box.
Now something strange is happening when I start ejabbered via init script.
Beam and epmd are starting, but the jabberd itself not.
Here some configs an errors:
(manual starting ejabberd for some more output)
testing the ejabberd server
+ start-stop-daemon --start --chuid jabber:jabber --env HOME=/var/run/jabber --exec /usr/bin/beam --startas /usr/sbin/ejabberd -- -noshell
=INFO REPORT==== 15-Apr-2008::20:56:41 ===
application: ejabberd
exited: {bad_return,
type: temporary
hostname -s
Got 64 IPs and jabber shall listen and work on jabber.project-mindstorm.net.
Anything more which can help you helping me :)
Thanks in advance
Check this FAQ page: erlang,
Check this FAQ page:erlang, port_control,