Can't build modules?

Hello I'm trying to build a module (specifically ejabberd_dev and mod_log_chat)

I have NO idea what needs to be done to get ejabberd_dev, and when I run the for mod_log_chat I get

ejabber@ejabber-server:~/ejabberd-2.0.0/doc/ejabberd-modules/mod_log_chat/trunk$ ./
{"init terminating in do_boot",{undef,[{make,all,[]},{init,start_it,1},{init,start_em,1}]}}

Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump
init terminating in do_boot ()

I'm running on a clean install of Ubuntu Gutsy, I did the binary install from process-one for a 32 bit install.

Also I intend to link the system to my Windows Active Directory server down the line so if anyone has an easy-ish walk-through that would be greatly appreciated.

It seems Erlang couldn't

It seems Erlang couldn't find the file make.beam

ejabberd 2.0.0 binary installer for Linux 32bit is compiled with Erlang R11B-5.
You can install Erlang/OTP from Ubuntu repositories to compile those modules.


I had the Erlang-base and erlang-nox installed but it didn't install the erlang package in, downloading now to test, however with Hardy just released it is gonna take a while, will report back.

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