Upgrade 1.1.3 to 2.0.1

I just upgrade from 1.1.3 to 2.0.1_4 in a Windows XP.

I followed the manual instructions to first uninstall 1.1.3. After uninstall, the configuration file and Mnesia datgabase spool directory remains intact under the subdirectory ....\ejabberd-1.1.3.

I then install 2.0.1 using the Windows binary installer. Upon completion, the software was installed into the default directory C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.1.

I have two questions and one observation:

1) The 2.0.1 manual (Section 2.6) said that ejabbard will automatically updates the Mnesia table definitions at startup when needed. DOES THIS MEAN THAT I HAVE TO DELETE THE NEW DATABASE DIRECTORY AND ALL ITS FILES, AND REPLACE IT WITH THE ONE DATABASE SPOOL DIRECTORY (AND ITS CONTENT) FROM 1.1.3?? IS IT SAFE TO DO SO?? Or what is the proper way to do it??

2) Can I replace the new ejabberd.cfg file in the ejabberd-2.0.1\bin, with the old ejabberd.cfg from 1.1.3?? Or I should try to edit the new ejabberd.cfg from scratch?

3) Observation: I looked at the registry and find that the info for 2.0.1 are stored under the key Ericsson\Erlang\ErlSer\1.1. Why 2.0.1 info are being stored under 1.1 registry key??

Thank you.

Copy database files. You can keep config or use new one.

yskwong wrote:

1) The 2.0.1 manual (Section 2.6) said that ejabbard will automatically updates the Mnesia table definitions at startup when needed. DOES THIS MEAN THAT I HAVE TO DELETE THE NEW DATABASE DIRECTORY AND ALL ITS FILES, AND REPLACE IT WITH THE ONE DATABASE SPOOL DIRECTORY (AND ITS CONTENT) FROM 1.1.3?? IS IT SAFE TO DO SO?? Or what is the proper way to do it??

Yes, it's the best way.

Summarizing: stop ejabberd; then delete the database files that were created during installation (and are almost empty); copy the files from your old database; then start ejabberd. When ejabberd 2.0.1 detects that some tables in the database are with an old format, it will update them and store in the files.

yskwong wrote:

2) Can I replace the new ejabberd.cfg file in the ejabberd-2.0.1\bin, with the old ejabberd.cfg from 1.1.3?? Or I should try to edit the new ejabberd.cfg from scratch?

If you compare your old config file and the default new one, you will notice they appear to be very different. But in reality the same syntax and same options are used, so you can continue using your old config file.

There were a few minor option changes (welcome message and a few more). If your old config didn't include many changes and have spare time, you can modify the new default config file to suit your needs (with options copied from your old config file).

yskwong wrote:

3) Observation: I looked at the registry and find that the info for 2.0.1 are stored under the key Ericsson\Erlang\ErlSer\1.1. Why 2.0.1 info are being stored under 1.1 registry key??

ejabberd runs in many operating systems: Windows, MacOsX, *nix, *BSD... So, ejabberd itself does not use the windows registry. The binary installer installs a service in case you want to start ejabberd automatically. That key you found in the windows registry is related to that system service. The tool that provides that feature is ErlSer. It is a program included in Erlang/OTP, and probably that 1.1 refers to the ErlSer version, not ejabberd.

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