dynamic virtual host with ldap

hi all,

I'm evaluating ejabberd and I was wandering if there's a way to enable dynamic virtual host with ldap.

Now to add a domain I have to change ejabberd.cfg and restart..

My target is to have on ldap a list of domains; beneath that, a list of users:

uid=r, ou=people, dc=example.com, dc=top
uid=r, ou=people, dc=example.it, dc=top

those are different users as they reside on different domains.

* can ejabberd manage this?
* if not, can this feature be supported in official ejabberd code?
* if so, are those changing easy or not?
* if it's easy, which part of ejabberd code should I patch?

Peace, R.

Re: dynamic virtual host with ldap


can ejabberd manage this?

Manage what? You mean is it possible to add vhost without a restart? No, it is not possible.

hi zinid, thx for your

hi zinid,
thx for your reply!
You mean that it's not possible even patching the code?

Do you know how ejabberd manages configuration settings (ex. shared memory, static variable, mnesia,...)
I don't know erlang so looking the code didn't help me..


Re: dynamic virtual host with ldap


You mean that it's not possible even patching the code?

Dynamic vhost addition/deletion needs deep refactoring of the core architecture.

Re: dynamic virtual host with ldap

nice, that's not a good news... :(
are you an ejabberd developer?
how long will it takes to manage it?

Re: dynamic virtual host with ldap


are you an ejabberd developer?



how long will it takes to manage it?

I don't know if it is on the roadmap. Perhaps, other developers can say you more.

this is every important

this is every important feature

Re: dynamic virtual host with ldap

supercode wrote:

this is every important feature

If it is really important for you, you can buy it :) See comment above about "premium" version.


I believe that process-one at one point offered a premium version of ejabberd that did support VHost additions sans restarts but that was prior to the sites facelift so I'm not sure the original details are now. It's not cheap either, at least compared to the open source version.

dynamic virtual host with ldap

we made a patch to support it, but don't seem that it will be integrated in the product...

anyway, are you sure commercial version support it?

Peace, R.

Where is your patch available for download?

ioggstream wrote:

we made a patch to support it, but don't seem that it will be integrated in the product

Where is your patch available for download?

still in test

hi badlop,

our patch reads domains from ldap. you still have to run a

# $EJABBERD_HOME/sbin/ejabberdctl domains-reload

- but reload shouldn't drop the connection (drop only the ones from deleted domains).

You have to put in configuration file:

{domain_ldap_host, ["ldap.example.com"]}.
{domain_ldap_port, 389}.
{domain_ldap_base, "dc=example,dc=com"}.
{domain_ldap_rootdn, "cn=admin"}.
{domain_ldap_password, "secret"}.
{domain_ldap_domain, [{"dc", "%d"}]}.
{domain_ldap_filter, "(objectClass=domain)"}.

I tried to put the patch on this forum but it's too long: is there a way to post it here?

Peace, R.

Upload to somewhere and comment here the link

ioggstream wrote:

I tried to put the patch on this forum but it's too long: is there a way to post it here?

You can upload to some site and comment here the link (there are also sites like http://paste.jabbim.cz/ ). I can also copy it to the website and put a link (as a backup in case your original site is not available).

link to ldap dynamic domains

Hi badlop,

you can find it here... let me know how it can be improved!


Peace, R.

Hi ioggstream I need your

Hi ioggstream

I need your patch too,but cannot get it from http://paste.jabbim.cz/download/3550.

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