Another ajax-based jabber web client - iJab:how to install it using ejabberd

About iJab:

iJab is a web-based Jabber client. It is completly written in Javascript, and uses Ajax technology, such as gwt and jsJac xmpp library. We released it recently.

iJab provides basic instant messenging. You just have to use a compatible web browser (see Wiki), no need to install anything in your computer, for using iJab. It's comparable to JWChat, but all windows stays inside one web page and don't need to worry about two many poped-up windows. You could configure iJab by your favorite themes for iJab is wholly based on CSS design.

How to install iJab?

This tutorial is based on guide file on ejabberd and it will guide you through the installation of the web-based Jabber client iJab 0.1.0 using a pre-generated package.

At the end, you will have iJab running using ejabberd's internal HTTP Bind support.
1.Configure ejabberd

Make sure you have options similar to those on your ejabberd.cfg:

{host, ""}.

{5280, ejabberd_http, [http_bind]}

With these options the URL for http-bind in your server will be:
2.Download iJab

Download a pre-generated package of iJab and unpack it.
3.Configure iJab

You could using iJab.html or just copy contents you needed to your own html page. Config the variables according to your settings.

var host = "";
var port = 5222;
var domain = "";

Copy iJab to www root directory.

Now you can copy the iJab directory to its final destination. On Linux it could be /var/www/iJab/ or /var/ejabberd-2.0.0/var/www according to which web server you choose.
4.Setup webserver

4.1 Using mod_http_fileserver modules in ejabberd

ejabberd has an internal http module:mod_http_fileserver. You could config iJab there.

First, config mod_http_fileserver module work in ejabberd.Something like this:

{5280, ejabberd_http, [
{request_handlers, [
{["web"], mod_http_fileserver}

{mod_http_fileserver, [
{docroot, "/opt/ejabberd-2.0.0/var/www"},
{accesslog, "/opt/ejabberd-2.0.0/var/log/ejabberd/access.log"}

Second, copy iJab to docroot of mod_http_fileserver

At last, restart ejabberd. visit you web im page using

4.2 Using Apache

You have to setup your web server, for example Apache, so that it redirects requests from the http-bind URL to an HTTP-Bind capable Jabber server component.

Those instructions are for Apache 2.

The easiest way to make redirection is creating a .htaccess file in the iJab directory with this content:

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
Options +MultiViews

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule http-bind/ [P]

In your Apache configuration file (/etc/apache2/apache2.conf) you must enable .htaccess files and proxy options:

AllowOverride All

Finally, enable rewrite and proxy modules for Apache:

cd /etc/apache2
ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-available/rewrite.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/
ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-available/proxy.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/
ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-available/proxy.conf /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/

virtual host

DocumentRoot /var/www/html

Options +Indexes +Multiviews

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule http-bind/ [P]

Restart your web server so changes take effect: apache2ctl restart

And now you can open your browser in the URL (maybe similar to

Where was it released?

escaper wrote:

iJab is a web-based Jabber client. It is completly written in Javascript, and uses Ajax technology, such as gwt and jsJac xmpp library. We released it recently.

Where was it released? The tutorial doesn't provide any URL of iJab.

iJab released a facebook style client iJabBar

I noticed iJab released a facebook style chat bar - iJabBar.

download from download page and source on website

Found a project page on sourceforge

Did a quick search and found the project on sourceforge:

Also in

Thanks Dotdash. Also, a screenshot in sourceforge points to what seems the official page: with code hosting, documentation...

One of the iJab developers also helps to translate ejabberd to Chinese. I'll try iJab and the tutorial, and report him improvements.

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