mod_ctlextra won't start??

Hi, I've been running ejabberd for quite some time. I found the mod_ctlextra plugin and tried to use it. It compiled fine, and I copied it to my ebin directory (which is in /var/lib/ejabberd/ebin). It has the same permissions as all of the other .beam files, 750. I added it to the end of the modules in ejabberd.cfg:

{mod_time, []},
{mod_vcard_odbc, []},
{mod_version, []},
{mod_ctlextra, []} %% Added 2009-03-27

But when I start up the server, the extra commands are not available, and when I look at the log file I get:

=ERROR REPORT==== 2009-03-27 12:09:51 ===
E(<0.399.0>:gen_mod:67) : {undef,

Which would lead me to believe it can't find the mod_ctlextra.beam file, but it's definitely there, and the permissions look correct. Is there something else that could cause mod_ctlextra to generate this error?


I had been running a version 2.0.x (forget which exactly). I ended up upgrading to what's currently in trunk on svn (2.1.0 alpha), and installed mod_admin_extra instead. Now everything works.

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