Transfert P2P

I'm just a new user of Ejabberd. I have done my server to autohost my IM. But I am not able to share file... When people accept, the download doesn't work and remain at 0%.

I can receive file from the others but cant send some.
I guess it is from my server... But I cannot find any information about that.

Any ideas ?
Do I have to open some port in my firewall ? etc..

Thank you !

There are several ways

There are several ways in Jabber/XMPP to transfer files.

In one method (I think it is the default in most Jabber clients) the connection is negotiated using Jabber, and the file is trasferred directly between the clients. In this case ejabberd does not need to implement anything special. If your clients use this , maybe the emissor or the receiver is behind a NAT, or has some port blocked.

Another method uses a transferrence proxy. ejabberd includes mod_proxy65 that you can enable. In this case the file is transferred using the proxy, and maybe it succeeds even if a user is inside a NAT.

I can't be more specific because I don't know details about file transference. You can try with different clients, and also try mod_proxy65. If you don't get more responses in this forum, you can also ask in the ejabberd mailing list or in some mailing list of

Thank you

Thank you for your answer.
Actually I guess there is a prob with my firewall maybe...
In fact, I have created a jabber account on the domain. And there is no problem to send file. (I have tried with Pidgin (me) to Psi (A friend).
It works perfectly.

But when I try directly with my account on my server, it doesn't work... Can it be a different port to open for me ?
Should every users open their port to transfert ? It is not possible as simple as GoogleTalk & co ?

I really thing it's matter of port, but it is impossible for me to turn off my firewall in my Box (O2 wireless)

Thank you

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