ejabberd-2.1.0_rc1 crash with 2 mln users


I wrote a test that generated 2 mln users for ejabberd-2.1.0_rc1, after restart the node crashed with the following message: "eheap_alloc: Cannot allocate 583848200 bytes of memory (of type "heap")." The test had been made on one machine (not in a cluster).

Environment :
Ubuntu 9.04, kernel : 2.6.28-11-generic
AMD Athlon, 2.1GHz

both erlang and ejabberd are compiled from source code

If you need more details, ask me

Any help will be greatly appreciated

The problem does not exist on

The problem does not exist on a machine with 16 cores and 20G of RAM, how to tune a machine with <4G of RAM and 4 cores processor to start an ejabberd node with 2mln users ?

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