how to restrict registration to a given user?


How can i set the ejabberd to disable registration to every user except a give one?
On the internet only {access, register, [{allow, all}]}. and {access, register, [{deny, all}]}. examples were found
I tried these:
{access, register, [{allow, "user1@domain"}]}.

{access, register, [{allow, ["user1@domain"] }]}.

{access, register, [{allow, "user1@domain"}], {deny, all} ] }.

{acl, liaison, {user, "liaison", ""} }.
{access, register, [{allow, liaison}]}.

without success. In all cases the registration functionality was unavailable for every user including admin.

Any help is much appreciated.

With this config anybody can

With this config anybody can register the account

{acl, liaison, {user, "liaison", ""} }.
{access, register, [{allow, liaison}]}.

  {mod_register, [{access, register}]},

Maybe what you want is that can register any account? There isn't option to configure such type of restriction in ejabberd.

Thank you! You are right, i

Thank you! You are right, i was asking how to implement such functionality like this:
Only one user can register new users. No one else is allowed to register new user. So, you are saying that is not possible in ejabberd?

Not implemented in

Not implemented in ejabberd.

But there is a related feature request with a patch available: Option to restrict which IPs are allowed to register account.

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