Gathering statistics for a quantitative study


I'm implementing ejabberd in an environment where I need to perform a quantitative study on the users behaviors. This includes online/offline-status, how much chatting is going on at different times on different dates etc. Is this possible to create? Im thinking that the final output should be something like a graph of X = time, Y = How many online/messages/whatever.. Perhaps gather data per day.

Has anyone done this before? I believe that this is possible with mod_statsdx (and more specifically mod_stats2file) but it would take some time to process that data into readable graphs.

Best Regards,

ipx wrote: I believe that

ipx wrote:

I believe that this is possible with mod_statsdx (and more specifically mod_stats2file)

Yes, and in mod_statdx put the option: {hooks, traffic}

Alternatively, you can log all the traffic with mod_logxml, and then parse the files to obtain those numbers.

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