No Listening Ports

I have just installed the linux binary package on an OpenSuse 10.0rc1 box. The daemon starts up. Very little is actually in the log. The big problem is that there are no sockets listening for any of the ports.... any help....

=INFO REPORT==== 2005-09-22 13:41:33 ===
application: mnesia
exited: stopped
type: temporary

That is the ONLY thing in the log.

Fixed my own problem

either I missed it in the documentation or something... after installing the server I started it with the 'start' script. Well this didn't start everything. Afterwards I poked around and ened up using the ejaberdctl command and started default then started localhost. Bingo... problem fixed....

More details ?


Do you have more details regarding your problem ? You are the first one to report this kind of problem with the installer and I need more information to analyze from where the problem could come from.

Thank you for letting us know,

Mickaël Rémond

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