Immediate disconnect

I have ejabberd set up and working with a Psi client. I configured ejabberd to use both login_anon and sasllogin. When I try Muckl, I get immediately disconnected. When I run in "live" mode I see the following:

=INFO REPORT==== 30-Jun-2010::16:53:44 ===
I(<0.453.0>:ejabberd_listener:232) : (#Port<0.3682>) Accepted connection {{141,142,222,214},49898} -> {{141,142,222,214},5280}

=INFO REPORT==== 30-Jun-2010::16:53:44 ===
D(<0.454.0>:ejabberd_http:135) : S: [{["captcha"],ejabberd_captcha},

=INFO REPORT==== 30-Jun-2010::16:53:44 ===
I(<0.454.0>:ejabberd_http:137) : started: {gen_tcp,#Port<0.3682>}

=INFO REPORT==== 30-Jun-2010::16:53:44 ===
D(<0.454.0>:ejabberd_http:254) : (#Port<0.3682>) http query: 'POST' /http-poll/

=INFO REPORT==== 30-Jun-2010::16:53:44 ===
D(<0.454.0>:ejabberd_http:420) : client data: "0;eQT513Id6X1DzbCHMnADDnw/8fA=,"

=INFO REPORT==== 30-Jun-2010::16:53:44 ===
D(<0.454.0>:ejabberd_http:323) : ["http-poll"] matches ["http-poll"]

=INFO REPORT==== 30-Jun-2010::16:53:44 ===
I(<0.456.0>:ejabberd_http_poll:195) : started: {"60a21da7ade5b5aadbee44aa2e466b920ecd39dc",

=INFO REPORT==== 30-Jun-2010::16:53:44 ===
I(<0.458.0>:ejabberd_net:25) : gethostname {socket_state,ejabberd_http_poll,

=CRASH REPORT==== 30-Jun-2010::16:53:44 ===
    initial call: gen:init_it/6
    pid: <0.458.0>
    registered_name: []
    exception exit: {function_clause,
      in function  p1_fsm:init_it/6
    ancestors: [ejabberd_c2s_sup,ejabberd_sup,<0.41.0>]
    messages: []
    links: [<0.257.0>]
    dictionary: []
    trap_exit: false
    status: running
    heap_size: 377
    stack_size: 24
    reductions: 192

Can anyone tell me what this means?



gethostname was the problem

First I tried reordering my /etc/hosts file. But that didn't change anything. Then I found this option:

{sasl_fqdn, ""}.

Now I can get to the point where the server sends the authentication mechanisms. But then MUCKL has a problem with "aPlist is NULL". Firefox doesn't say much else, but Safari tells me it 'Refused to get unsafe header "Set-Cookie"', so maybe Firefox is doing the same? All I get at that point is the background image. No chat interface comes up.



Apparently it's something to

Apparently it's something to do with modern browsers rejecting access to cookies when using XMLHttpRequest (AJAX). I believe this is by design to prevent various XSS attacks which could deliver your cookies to an attacker. You have to use http-bind (which uses form POSTs) instead of polling.

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