Is there easy way to edit user JID and other settings?

Hi there. I have ejabberd 2.1.3 installed and running fine on my FreeBSD server. It serves as internal IM server for company I work for. I've decided that it's time to create some shared rosters and a little cleaning with users to make ejabberd serve better for our needs. As a part of cleaning, some JID's should be changed and also some users@domain1 will become users@domain2.
Unfortunately I found that webinterface allow only changing user passwords or deleting them. I've searched for other ways but I didn't fond anything useful. Of course I could just delete all users and create tham again with changed JID and/or domain but what I really care is to minimalize time needed to reconfigure clients. Simple reedit JID or domain on both client and server side would be optimal solution. If that matters - my server uses default mnesia database.

Thanks in advance.

ncpnc wrote: some JID's

ncpnc wrote:

some JID's should be changed and also some users@domain1 will become users@domain2

Simple reedit JID or domain on both client and server side would be optimal solution.

my server uses default mnesia database.

If you have few registered accounts (a few hundreds or less), you can try this:

  1. In WebAdmin -> Nodes -> your node -> database backup -> create a plain text dump of mnesia
  2. Edit that file with a powerful text editor (Microsoft Nodepad isn't), and make the changes you want, like replacing domain1 with domain2, or delete {...} elements, or write new {...} elements.
  3. Stop ejabberd.
  4. Copy the Mnesia database spool files (see ) to a safe location, and delete the files.
  5. Start ejabberd. It will have an empty database: no users registered.
  6. Create the account that you typically used to enter WebAdmin.
  7. Now you can enter WebAdmin again. Verify that there is only 1 registered user (you).
  8. Go to the database page again, and restore the modified plain text file.
  9. Now you should see all the users, with their modified rosters.

Alternatively to WebAdmin, the database can be backup and restored using the ejabberdctl script.

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