Custom Shared Roster Groups

I was following the tutorial as published on for my Shared Roster Groups configuration.

My approach was to configure something similar to EXAMPLE 2(as below), but not quite like it.

Example 2: some people (boy and boby) have everybody else on their roster

Important: note that boy and boby will not see presence from the other people. They will be on the roster, but always offline because the other people don't have boy and boby in their rosters, and don't share presence with them.

1. Login on the web interface and go to 'Virtual Hosts' -> 'server' -> 'Shared Roster'
2. Create a new Shared Roster, with identifier 'everybody'. Click on 'Add new'.
3. Fill the formulary with this:
* Name: Everybody
* Description: This group contains everybody
* Members: @all@
* Displayed Groups:
4. Click on Submit.
5. Create a new Shared Roster, with identifier 'badboys'. Click on 'Add new'.
6. Fill the formulary with this:
* Name: Badboys
* Description: Those ppl can see everybody else
* Members: boy@server boby@server
* Displayed Groups: everybody
7. Click on Submit.
8. When boy or boby login, he will have as contacts everybody else registered on the server, but they will not have him on their rosters.

I was trying to create a custom shared group, where group 'Badboys' is able to show 'Everybody' on it's contact list, and most importantly to appeared online on the list; which in EXAMPLE2, the contact list was appeared offline if applied.

Is there anyway to enable the contact list on group 'Badboys' to appear online in my example? And 'Everybody' still remained can't see 'Badboys' unless 'Badboys' authorise them to do so. Comments are welcome.

wailoon wrote: Is there

wailoon wrote:

Is there anyway to enable the contact list on group 'Badboys' to appear online in my example? And 'Everybody' still remained can't see 'Badboys'

That would require the subscriptions types to be "from" and "to". However, mod_shared_roster only uses "both" and "both". This means that presence with that module is everybody-see, or nobody-see. So, the module doesn't support a one-direction-glass like those in the police office.

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