Active Directory setup questions

I just installed and launched ejabberd for the first time (on WinXP). Now I am trying to connect it to an AD server and read the instructions at . They seem simple enough and first I just tried to modify the "header" lines as appropriate, something like (sanitized for secrecy reasons):

{auth_method, ldap}.

{ldap_servers, [""]}. % List of LDAP servers
{ldap_base, "DC=site,DC=company,DC=com"}. % Search base of LDAP directory
{ldap_rootdn, "CN=dabo,OU=myDepartment,OU=Site,OU=SE,DC=site,DC=company,DC=com"}. % LDAP manager
{ldap_password, "myPassw0rd"}. % Password to LDAP manager
{ldap_uids, [{"sAMAccountName"}]}.
{ldap_filter, "(memberOf=*)"}.

The following lines are identical to the instructions on the web page (with one exception, Name is mapped to cn):

[{"NICKNAME", "%u", []},
{"GIVEN", "%s", ["givenName"]},
{"MIDDLE", "%s", ["initials"]},
{"FAMILY", "%s", ["sn"]},
{"FN", "%s", ["displayName"]},
{"EMAIL", "%s", ["mail"]},
{"ORGNAME", "%s", ["company"]},
{"ORGUNIT", "%s", ["department"]},
{"CTRY", "%s", ["c"]},
{"LOCALITY", "%s", ["l"]},
{"STREET", "%s", ["streetAddress"]},
{"REGION", "%s", ["st"]},
{"PCODE", "%s", ["postalCode"]},
{"TITLE", "%s", ["title"]},
{"URL", "%s", ["wWWHomePage"]},
{"DESC", "%s", ["description"]},
{"TEL", "%s", ["telephoneNumber"]}]},
[{"User", "%u"},
{"Name", "cn"},
{"Family Name", "sn"},
{"Email", "mail"},
{"Company", "company"},
{"Department", "department"},
{"Role", "title"},
{"Description", "description"},
{"Phone", "telephoneNumber"}]},
[{"Full Name", "FN"},
{"Nickname", "NICKNAME"},
{"Email", "EMAIL"}]}

In another context I have mapped Name and Email to cn and mail respectively and it works fine but now when I launch i get the following error in the log

=ERROR REPORT==== 2011-02-04 17:11:59 ===
E(<0.36.0>:ejabberd_config:187) : The following lines from your configuration file might be relevant to the error:
223: {ldap_servers, [""]}. % List of LDAP servers
224: {ldap_base, "DC=site,DC=company,DC=com"}. % Search base of LDAP directory
225: {ldap_rootdn, "CN=dabo,OU=myDepartment,OU=Site,OU=SE,DC=site,DC=company,DC=com"}. % LDAP manager
226: {ldap_password, "myPassw0rd"}. % Password to LDAP manager
227: {ldap_uids, [{"sAMAccountName"}]}.
228: {ldap_filter, "(memberOf=*)"}.
230: {modules,
231: [
232: ...
233: {mod_vcard_ldap,
234: [{ldap_vcard_map,
235: [{"NICKNAME", "%u", []},

=ERROR REPORT==== 2011-02-04 17:11:59 ===
E(<0.36.0>:ejabberd_config:106) : Problem loading ejabberd config file ../conf/../conf/ejabberd.cfg approximately in the line 232: syntax error before: '.'

Line 232 consist of

I tried commenting line 232 and 267 (the other ... line) away. This generates a different error:

=ERROR REPORT==== 2011-02-04 17:27:13 ===
E(<0.36.0>:ejabberd_config:187) : The following lines from your configuration file might be relevant to the error:
258: {"Department", "department"},
259: {"Role", "title"},
260: {"Description", "description"},
261: {"Phone", "telephoneNumber"}]},
262: {ldap_search_reported,
263: [{"Full Name", "FN"},
264: {"Nickname", "NICKNAME"},
265: {"Email", "EMAIL"}]}
266: ]},
267: % ...
268: ]}.

=ERROR REPORT==== 2011-02-04 17:27:13 ===
E(<0.36.0>:ejabberd_config:106) : Problem loading ejabberd config file ../conf/../conf/ejabberd.cfg approximately in the line 268: syntax error before: ']'


In line 266, remove the

In line 266, remove the comma.


badlop wrote:

In line 266, remove the comma.

Thanks a lot!

The example should be updated (I was about to do it but since it is not a wiki I couldn't). Even though I am Swedish I don't speak Erlang fluently;-)

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