Hello all, my first post here, so please be gentle.
My dev guys are asking me to configure ejabberd to their specs. I am new to ejabberd and are thoroughly confused. I have it up and running with some users and such, but now the dev guys need to have a URL like
Now i did get this working by adding the following in ejabber.cfg file on our dev machine as per some posts i read.
Under Modules I uncommitted a filled out the docroot specs
{mod_http_fileserver, [ {docroot, "/var/www"}, {accesslog, "/var/log/ejabberd/access.log"} ]},
Under Listen, i uncommitted the request handlers, like so
{5280, ejabberd_http, [ {request_handlers, [ {[], mod_http_fileserver} ]}, captcha, http_bind, http_poll, web_admin ]} ]}.
Restarted and all worked great! I was able to go to the URL with no problems...
But then i was not able to access the URL. i just got a "Not FOund"
Now i search quite a bit and found a few iterations about this , but i am now more confused than before, as i do not have the time to thoughtfully read up on all the docs for ejabber... as the dev guys have given me a deadline to get this working...
Now i read that one can use regular Apache for the crossdomain url, but my dev guy says the code he uses(some flash thing) must go to
So in essence is there a way to get both of these working even if i have to use Apache for the crossdomain file as i already have apace on the server for other uses...
Please HELP.
Thanks to all and have a great rest of the day!
Montreal, Canada
I found three
I found three alternatives:
The obvious solution is to place each service in a different port, like
That allows you:
In the past, it seems some people liked this:
I found this solution today, maybe this is just what you wanted:
Configure like this:
I think that allows you:
Please give a detailed steps
Please give a detailed steps for configuring ejabberd 2.1.8 version in order to load crossdomain.xml file. And where should I keep the crossdomain.xml file.