my ejabberd installation is working perfect in LAN, also with filetransfer with internal clients.
On the firewall I've forwarded both 5222 and 7777 ports to the ip of jabber server and also with external clients the chat is working.
The issue if the filetransfer that work well when an external client send a file to internal, but not the "reverse" internal to external.
The first question is:
Where I've to set the filetransfer proxy? (on external client, internal or both?)
this is the module configuration:
{mod_proxy65, [ {ip, {0,0,0,0}}, {name, "SOCKS5 Bytestreams"}, {host, "proxy.myjabber.com"} ]},
If I telnet on 7777 from both inside (on local ip address) and outside (on proxy.myjabber.com) the service respond.
What I can't understand is why when I start internal client (with file transfer proxy set) I receive this in ejabberd.log:
I(<0.568.0>:ejabberd_s2s:368) : New s2s connection started <0.569.0> I(<0.569.0>:ejabberd_s2s_out:1158) : Trying to open s2s connection: MYDOMAIN -> with TLS=true I(<0.569.0>:ejabberd_s2s_out:229) : s2s connection: abet -> MYDOMAIN (remote server not found) I(<0.569.0>:ejabberd_s2s_out:838) : Reconnect delay expired: Will now retry to connect to when needed. (jabber server ip address)
MYDOMAIN (jabber domain, the part right of @ in username)
why is tryingo to open s2s connection with Itself?
and why it tell is not responding?
Thank you very much for help
use your external ip in the mod_proxy config
You should use your external ip in the mod_proxy config and not {0,0,0,0}.
Because ejabberd also reports this IP to the client, when it does a service discovery for the file transfer proxy to get the IP address of the proxy. And then your clients sends this IP to the receiving client, which makes no sense for {0,0,0,0}.