are there some changes in auth ldap between 2.1.5 - 2.1.6?


I just upgrade from 2.1.5 to 2.1.6 and in log I see strange behavior of ldap auth module. In 2.1.5 auth_ldap get informations only from directive in {ldap_servers, }, but in 2.1.6 ejab start (with same cfg) contacting subdomain controllers which making nearly DOS, because after user login request ejab start connecting to all dc controllers even it they managing only subdomains and no defined domain. If you have 20+ DC behind weak lines, this making big mess. Imagine scenario with X000 users.
So my question is, how can I force ejab to make auth only through defined ldap server?

SasaXmmp wrote:are there

SasaXmmp wrote:

are there some changes in auth ldap between 2.1.5 - 2.1.6?

No change sin ejabberd_auth_ldap.erl, and only few minor changes in eldap files.

You can try this: install the old ejabberd 2.1.5 in another machine, just to obtain the *ldap*.beam files that worked great. Then copy those files to your current 2.1.6 installation, restart ejabberd, and check if the problem is solved.

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