Version of ejabberd is:
Author: Evgeniy Khramtsov <> 2011-06-15 03:06:32
Committer: Badlop <> 2011-06-15 09:11:08
Parent: 84b0e6333df1976c25ca1d78c1af534ef3635a7e (Clarify in mod_register_web example what host to put in the URL)
Branches: master, remotes/origin/master
Follows: v3.0.0-alpha-3
Log an error when an LDAP filter is incorrect (EJAB-1395)
I am trying to do just creation and deletion of nodes (to test the new pubsub hooks). When I send:
<iq type="set" to="pubsub.localhost">
<pubsub xmlns="">
<create node="test1"/>
<iq type="result" from="pubsub.localhost" to="example@localhost/d9871d11"><pubsub xmlns=""><create node="test1"/></pubsub></iq>
But on deletion:
<iq type='set' to='pubsub.localhost'>
<pubsub xmlns=''>
<delete node='test1'/>
I get no response and see the following message in ejabberd.log:
=ERROR REPORT==== 2011-06-15 12:08:12 ===
E(<0.357.0>:mod_pubsub:1088) : {function_clause,
I think the problem is the the action closure retuning [ok] whereas the expected result is Node.
The subject is a bit
The subject is a bit misleading. The delete node actually goes through, but broadcast of that fails.