mod_xmlrpc + mod_admin_extra methods?

Can someone point me to the correct way to call the new ejabberdctl methods declared in mod_admin_extra from XMLRPC?

After a lot of difficulty, I finally got ejabberd 2.1.8 running, and have installed the mod_xmlrpc and mod_admin_extra modules.

From the command line, I can run:

> sudo ./ejabberdctl srg_list
(mydomain) Admin

where "(mydomain) Admin" is the name of the shared roster that I manually created through the web interface. Therefore, from what I can tell, mod_admin_extra is installed and working just fine.

on the mod_xmlrpc end, I can call the echothis method fine as well. I'm using PHP with the pear XML_RPC2 module installed:

$client = XML_RPC2_Client::create($conf['app']['chat_update_params']['xmlrpc_url'], $options);
$fm = $client->echothis('echo this text');

and "echo this text" is displayed in the browser correctly, which tells to me that mod_xmlrpc is installed correctly and running. However, when I try to call the following from the same PHP script:

$fm = $client->srg_list('');

I get the following response:

Exception #-1 : Unknown call: {call,srg_list,[""]}

which tells me that the XMLRPC server knows nothing about the srg_list method.

Are there steps that I have to do to get the mod_admin_extra methods recognised by the xmlrpc client object? Is this even possible?

barhorn wrote: Can someone

barhorn wrote:

Can someone point me to the correct way to call the new ejabberdctl methods declared in mod_admin_extra from XMLRPC?

After a lot of difficulty, I finally got ejabberd 2.1.8 running, and have installed the mod_xmlrpc and mod_admin_extra modules.

Simple. mod_xmlrpc README.txt says:

        Note: this module will only receive bugfixes.
        If you are using ejabberd trunk SVN 1635 or newer, you will probably
        prefer to install ejabberd_xmlrpc.

ejabberd_xmlrpc provides you exactly the feature you miss.

That was it! Not sure why I

That was it! Not sure why I thought it, but for some reason I had it in my head that mod_xmlrpc was the newer version of ejabberd_xmlrpc, not the other way around.


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