Ejabberd + Nginx = 504 Gateway Time-out

ejabberd works fine for most of time, but sometimes it hangs (or sth else) and nginx returns 504 error.
I don't not what happend..
I have configured nginx:

location /http-bind/ {
                 proxy_read_timeout 120;
                proxy_send_timeout 120;
                proxy_connect_timeout 120;
                proxy_pass http://jabber1:5280/http-bind/;

                proxy_buffer_size           8k;
                proxy_buffers               8 32k;
                proxy_busy_buffers_size     64k;

                proxy_next_upstream off;

BOSH timeout is set to 30s.

Could somebody help me?

In ejabebrd.log I have this error:
global: 'ejabberd@jabber1.domain.com' failed to connect to 'ejabberdctl@jabber2.domain.com'
I don't know it is connected with proxy problem? BTW. Why I have this error?


I have the same problem?

I have the same problem? anyone can help to fix this problem...
thanks a lot!

what is the version of your

what is the version of your ejabberd and nginx servers?
also, it would be good to see at the nginx and ejabberd logs

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