extauth_cache is enabled but mod_last not enabled


I get the following error message in ejabberd.log when starting it:
"In host "example.com" extauth is used, extauth_cache is enabled but mod_last is not enabled."

Ejabberd ver. "2.1.5-3+squeeze1" (Debian).

My config is as follows:

$ cat ejabberd.cfg |erl
Eshell V5.8  (abort with ^G)
1> {acl,admin,{user,"foobar","example.com"}}
2> {acl,admin,{user,"foobar2","example.com"}}
3> {hosts,["example.com"]}
4> {loglevel,4}
5> {listen,[{5222,ejabberd_c2s,
6> {max_fsm_queue,1000}
7> {s2s_use_starttls,true}
8> {s2s_certfile,"/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.pem"}
9> {s2s_default_policy,deny}
10> {auth_method,external}
11> {extauth_program,"/usr/local/ejabberd/JabberAuth.php"}
12> {extauth_instances,5}
13> {extauth_cache,600}
14> {shaper,normal,{maxrate,1000}}
15> {shaper,fast,{maxrate,50000}}
16> {acl,local,{user_regexp,[]}}
17> {access,max_user_sessions,[{1,all}]}
18> {access,max_user_offline_messages,[{5000,admin},{0,all}]}
19> {access,local,[{allow,local}]}
20> {access,c2s,[{deny,blocked},{allow,all}]}
21> {access,c2s_shaper,[{none,admin},{normal,all}]}
22> {access,s2s_shaper,[{fast,all}]}
23> {access,announce,[{allow,admin}]}
24> {access,configure,[{allow,admin}]}
25> {access,muc_admin,[{allow,admin}]}
26> {access,muc,[{allow,all}]}
27> {access,register,[{deny,all}]}
28> {access,pubsub_createnode,[{deny,all}]}
29> {language,"en"}
30> {modules,
31> *** Terminating erlang (nonode@nohost)

So mod_last would be enabled actually..

Does anyone know why this happens?


This bug was fixed in

This bug was fixed in ejabberd 2.1.6
See my last comment in https://support.process-one.net/browse/EJAB-641

Hi, hm. Thanks. Maybe I'll


hm. Thanks. Maybe I'll have to upgrade my debian version because I'm using it from there.


I'm having this error too, 4

I'm having this error too, 4 years later in ejabberd 15.07 and in FreeBSD.
I have the error and I have mod_last enabled.

Is this a regression?

Exactly! Thanks for

Hi guys, I'm having this

Hi guys,

I'm having this exactly same error, can't find out why.

I'm using an external authentication script with the newest 16.02 ejabberd. I updated to see if the error goes away, but continue and was happening with 16.01 too.

2016-03-01 00:44:51.684 [error] <0.366.0>@ejabberd_auth_external:check_password_cache:200 extauth is used, extauth_cache is enabled but mod_last is not enabled in that host

I have the mod_last enabled to all virtual hosts, like a default configuration (actually I have just 1 vhost). I also tried to define a mod_last configuration specific for the vhost, but without success too.

I'm using this way:

iqdisc: one_queue

Any help?


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