MS SQL 2005 mod_offline_odbc issue

I tried to get mod_offline_odbc to work, failed, and finally used SQL Profiler and having found such queries:

insert into spool(username, xml) values ('metalex', '<message from=\'\' to=\'\' xml:lang=\'ru\' type=\'chat\' id=\'ab0ba\'>\n<body>.</body>\n<active xmlns=\'\'/>\n<request xmlns=\'urn:xmpp:receipts\'/>\n<delay xmlns=\'urn:xmpp:delay\' from=\'\' stamp=\'2011-08-26T12:06:53Z\'>Offline Storage</delay><x xmlns=\'jabber:x:delay\' stamp=\'20110826T12:06:53\'/></message>');

It looks like \' is used as a literal for ' symbol which is completely incorrect. '' should have been used instead.

Another possible issue is that xml field's name is not enclosed into brackets in stored procedures which is recommended.

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