I made some tests to evaluate the posibilities to use XMPP from Javascript over BOSH. So I send packages from javascript to an external component and the component answers to this packages. When I tried this from two C#-Clients I can do 1000 roundtrips in about 2.5 seconds.
Now I tried this with BOSH and 1000 roundtrips take about 40 seconds. Looking at the ejabberd.log I can see that the time seems to be consumed in ejabberd. It's a bit strange, but the lag between
=INFO REPORT==== 2011-11-18 14:50:54.542 ===
D(<0.397.0>:ejabberd_sm:411) : session manager
from {jid,"test","sms.localhost",[],"test","sms.localhost",[]}
to {jid,"jadmin","localhost","PROTEL-JANTH","jadmin","localhost",
packet {xmlelement,"message",
=INFO REPORT==== 2011-11-18 14:50:54.543 ===
D(<0.397.0>:ejabberd_sm:510) : sending to process <0.386.0>
=INFO REPORT==== 2011-11-18 14:50:54.621 ===
D(<0.406.0>:ejabberd_http_bind:919) : OutPacket: [{xmlstreamelement,
seems to happen only on every seconds roundtrip. The next roundtrip looks normal - at least in the log file.
Any idea what can cause this?
Kind regards
I made some research and the
I made some research and the problem seems to be the following line in web/ejabberd_http_bind.erl.
respectively this code block :
Pdelay = case string:to_integer(xml:get_attr_s("process-delay",Attrs)) of
{error, _} ->
{CPdelay, _} when
(?PROCESS_DELAY_MIN =< CPdelay) and
(CPdelay =< ?PROCESS_DELAY_MAX) ->
{CPdelay, _} ->
lists:max([lists:min([CPdelay, ?PROCESS_DELAY_MAX]), ?PROCESS_DELAY_MIN])
As I'm not an erlang programmer. Is this code block correct? is it bad to set PROCESS_DELAY_DEFAULT to 0?
I've looked when and why was
I've looked when and why was that code included. It was included due to this ticket: