Crash recovery - system crash broke ejabberd

Since we don't seem to have a support forum for "keeping ejabberd running" I figured that this had to go into configuration instead.

I was running Ejabberd on my home server, mainly as a test machine but also as a backup for when my usual server goes down and I need to maintain some level of communication. A circuit breaker was tripped earlier in the day, so power to all the computers fell offline.

Now, when the machine started back up, the process appears healthy in the process list, but it hasn't opened any of the ports it was supposed to open.

morden ~ # ejabberdctl ejabberd@morden status
Node ejabberd@morden is started. Status: started
morden ~ # netstat -lp|grep 5222
morden ~ #

Interestingly, months ago I was evaluating using Ejabberd as a replacement for Jabberd 1.4 on our public server. A very similar thing happened -- system power was turned off for some reason -- and I lost my entire database.

Is there some connection between these two incidents? I'm sure that if I erased my entire database and start from scratch like last time, that it would start up and work properly again, but I would rather the software do The Right Thing when it recovers from this kind of thing.

Did you take a look at the log file

Did you take a look at the log file? It should say something like: recovering table X1, recovering table X2...

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