Problem importing 2.0.5 data into 2.1.5 with {aborted,{no_exists,http_poll}} error

I am migrating my ejabberd server to a new server. I am keeping the same hostname so don't need to do the host name conversion. On the 2.0.5-1.1 machine I did a
ejabberdctl backup /tmp/ejab1.backup
I then sent that file to my new server running 2.1.5-3+squeeze1build0.11
and got the disco_publish table error - which I tried the workaround, but then got a

{aborted,{no_exists,http_poll}} error. Any ideas how to get past this or a better way to copy my database from the old 2.0 server to the new 2.1 server?

root@jab:/etc/ejabberd# ejabberdctl restore ejab1.backup
Can't restore backup from "/var/lib/ejabberd/ejab1.backup" at node ejabberd@jab: Table disco_publish does not exist.
root@jab:/etc/ejabberd# ejabberdctl debug
Attaching Erlang shell to node ejabberd@jab.
To detach it, press: Ctrl+G, q, Return

Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.7.4  (abort with ^G)
(ejabberd@jab)1> mnesia:restore("/etc/ejabberd/jab1/ejab1.backup",[{skip_tables,[disco_publish]}]).
User switch command
--> q



This was fixed in ejabberd 2.1.8

Instead of

You can try:
mnesia:restore("/etc/ejabberd/jab1/ejab1.backup",[{skip_tables,[disco_publish, http_poll]}]).

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