we are currently using ejabberd in a wireless network community: cleopatra.ninux.org
We were wondering if we could use ninux.org instead, also because we would like to enable the federation and be able to communicate with other servers. The doubt is: ninux.org points to a different machine.
How to accomplish this?
I suppose it is a DNS issue.
Do I have to configure just the two following two SRV DNS records?
How do I have to do this in detail? I suppose these two have to point to cleopatra.ninux.org, right?
Is there anything else we I should know?
I am a bit confused. Is there any detailed documentation about this issues?
By using this
By using thishttp://www.jms1.net/jabberd2/srv.shtml it says I should set up this way:
is it correct?
_jabber SRV record is for
_jabber SRV record is for older (non-standards-compliant) clients, replaced by _xmpp-client SRV record. If you don't need to enable very old clients to discover your service, _jabber SRV record may be skipped. _xmpp-server SRV record is needed to enable other servers to connect to yours.
Thanks for this info.
Thanks for this info.