Able to hide user and chatroom JID's from users?


I have installed OpenFire (useless server) and I am unhappy with it. So hence forth I am using ejabbered.

I have scanned the forum but can't find the answers to my questions...

1. Is it possible to hide JID's from users? Eg. display only the users name or room name instead of user@192.*.*.*

2. Is it possible to create chat rooms or "chat zones" as contacts on a users roster?


CyAeon wrote: 1. Is it

CyAeon wrote:

1. Is it possible to hide JID's from users? Eg. display only the users name or room name instead of user@192.*.*.*

The clients must know the JIDs. If your users use only a specific client , you can modify the client source code to only show the names, and hide the JIDs.

CyAeon wrote:

2. Is it possible to create chat rooms or "chat zones" as contacts on a users roster?

Some clients allow to display rooms in the user roster. The room is not added to the roster, but it is displayed as if it were. If you as administrator want thatll your users see a room in their rosters, then you must check how your user's clients store the rooms. Probably they use "Private XML Storage", which ejabberd implements in mod_private. And in order to add rooms to that XML storage, maybe you can use 'private_set' ejabberd command, provided in mod_admin_extra.

As you can see, this isn't simple.

Thank you so much for your

Thank you so much for your reply

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