LDAP shared roster multiple vhosts

I'm using ejabberd 2.1.10 binary installed version on Centos 6.2 with LDAP auth and module LDAP shared roster 0.5.3. I got 2 vhosts and and LDAP auth work well. When i create new group in shared roster on vhost 1 and set to members @all@ all work well. On the vhost 2 works well. Problem is: I wish to configure the same shared roster list for vhost 1 and vhost 2. Does anyone can me explane little bit how to acomplist that feature...

This feature is not

This feature is not implemented using mod_shared_roster_ldap. However, I must note that when you use strings like "@all@", you use simple mod_shared_roster (not LDAP).

In release that i use:

In release that i use: ejabberd 2.1.10 it's looks like that this feature was implemented.

Shared Rosters: support groupname@vhost in Displayed Groups (EJAB-506)

Tested and works!

You seem to overlook

You seem to overlook things.
The feature you refer to is in mod_shared_roster. It is a generic shared roster module, and not specific to LDAP. Thus, the "module LDAP shared roster 0.5.3" (i.e. mod_shared_roster_ldap) has nothing to do with this module and its configuration or features.

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