Windows Install

I have ejabber working on Windows, the question I have is realted to Jwchat. Is it possible to make it work with apache under a windows os or better do it under linux? The ultimate goal is to provide internal im to local users and at the same time allow them to connect to other IM (icq, msn, aol, sametime, etc) using only 1 web client that is accessible from anywhere. Users will need to be authenticated against Active Directory and a copy of all messages should go to a log.

Are there any howto's or someone who has done something like this? It does not need to be jwchat, I just know that one and it seems very nice, easy to customize for branding purposes so if there is something else available I am ok with it. The information I have found is very limited and very fragmented so any help will be appreciated.



Re: Windows Install

adj wrote:

using only 1 web client that is accessible from anywhere

Are Java webapps allowed? If so check Jeti and JBother, too.

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