MySQL and Stored procedures


I want to edit the file "odbc\odbc_queries.erl" in order to use stored procedures with MySql.

For example, I modified this

get_password(LServer, Username) ->
["select password from users "
"where username='", Username, "';"]).

in this

get_password(LServer, Username) ->
["CALL usp_ejb_get_password ('", Username, "');"]).

However, as Erlang is rather obscure to me, I'm not sure how to do it.

The query seems to run, but the result not taken into account

Can someone help me

You are going to modify the

You are going to modify the ejabberd operation; you will need to get some erlang knowledge.

The sequence started by odbc_queries:get_password/2 ends with ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_internal, that has a commented out line #447:
                  %% ?INFO_MSG("MySQL, Received result~n~p~n", [R]),
You may wish to uncomment it to be able to debug the problem.

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