Ejabberd's salt (SCRAM) breaks mod_rest

I discovered that passwords were being stored in the clear in postgres and have since moved to 2.1.11 to enable the auth_password_format scram:

{auth_method, internal}.
{auth_password_format, scram}.

this breaks the mod_rest module I'm using for administering users

I tried checking out the ejabberd-modules code from trunk to build the absolute last version of mod_rest:

git clone git://github.com/last/ejabberd-modules.git

but it is still broken. Is there a way to enable mod_rest, or a patch I could apply, for making the auth_password_format work with scram?

The mod rest call with an

The mod rest call with an http post fails a the following response:
Error: invalid_account_data

The only place I find that atom referenced is not in the mod_rest code, nor even in the ejabberd code, but it is present in the ejabberd comments for the /ejabberd-2.1.11/src/ejabberd_commands.erl code. It looks like the commands module is not making use of the cryptography change.

Is this a configuration element or can I enable it?

Discovered that the problem

Discovered that the problem is that ejabberd authentication for command execution is different than the authentication for users. From ejabberd_commands.erl:

check_access(all, _) ->
check_access(Access, Auth) ->
    {ok, User, Server} = check_auth(Auth),
    %% Check this user has access permission
    case acl:match_rule(Server, Access, jlib:make_jid(User, Server, "")) of
        allow -> true;
        deny -> false

The fix is to fix the commands module to use the cyrsasl behavior. Has anyone done this before?

Missed the big ticket item

Missed the big ticket item out of ejabberd_commands.erl:

check_auth({User, Server, Password}) ->
    %% Check the account exists and password is valid
    AccountPass = ejabberd_auth:get_password_s(User, Server),
    AccountPassMD5 = get_md5(AccountPass),
    case Password of
        AccountPass -> {ok, User, Server};
        AccountPassMD5 -> {ok, User, Server};
        _ -> throw({error, invalid_account_data})

get_md5(AccountPass) ->
    lists:flatten([io_lib:format("~.16B", [X])
                   || X <- binary_to_list(crypto:md5(AccountPass))]).

This also means that if I'm able to sneak a peek at the database, I could still authenticate as admin for user credentials because it allows for plain text matching in the commands module.

It has been fixed in ejabberd

It has been fixed in ejabberd 2.1.x branch recently.

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