Increase ODBC connections

I would like to increase the ODBC connection pool's size. Should changing line 3 of the code snippet be sufficient? Should I make any other changes? Also, what's the purpose of the 10 and 1 on line 4?


1.  init([Host]) ->
2.    % TODO
3.    N = 10,
4.    {ok, {{one_for_one, 10, 1},
5.      lists:map(
6.        fun(I) ->
7.          {I,
8.            {ejabberd_odbc, start_link, [Host]},
9.            transient,
10.           brutal_kill,
11.           worker,
12.           [?MODULE]}
13.     end, lists:seq(1, N))}}.

Pieter Rautenbach

Re: Increase ODBC connections

parautenbach wrote:

Also, what's the purpose of the 10 and 1 on line 4?

Supervisor Behaviour:

one_for_one is the restart strategy.
1 and 60 defines the maximum restart frequency.

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