#$ neutron_plugin 01
import urllib
from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString
def getVal(dom, var):
return dom.getElementsByTagName(var)[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue
def handler_fm(type, source, pn):
data = urllib.urlopen('http://freshmeat.net/projects-xml/' + pn).read()
dom = parseString(data)
reply = "*" + getVal(dom, "projectname_full") + "* (" + getVal(dom, "rating") + ") "
reply += getVal(dom, "desc_full") + " " + getVal(dom, "url_homepage")
reply = "This project not found on FreshMeat.net, sorry"
smsg(type, source, reply)
register_command_handler(handler_fm, '!fm', 0, 'Gives information about program from FreshMeat.net', '!fm program', ['!fm', '!fm Gajim'])
I've reported your patch to
I've reported your plugin to Mikem and he has included it in CVS :)