admin password

I have some troubles with my admin password...

I have installed ejabberd by the graphical interface, put the admin login and pass.

But, when I want to configure my ejabberd, my login and pass are apparently wrong... I've tried to re-install them many times without any result.

Is-it possible to reset my admin password without doing another re-installation?

Thanks for your help


You can change the password

You can change the password from the Erlang console. Type:

ejabberd_auth:set_password("username", "server", "newpassword").

(don't forget the dot at the end)

password reset

Eshell V5.4.13 (abort with ^G)
1> ejabberd_auth:set_password("admin", "", "password").

=ERROR REPORT==== 8-Dec-2007::14:48:09 ===
Error in process <0.30.0> with exit value: {undef,[{ejabberd_auth,set_password,["admin","","password"]},{erl_eval,do_apply,5},{shell,exprs,6},{shell,eval_loop,3}]}

** exited: {undef,[{ejabberd_auth,set_password,
{shell,eval_loop,3}]} **

Is this correct ?
Password change did not reflect anyway ...


The ejabberd_auth command is

The ejabberd_auth command is mean to be used in an Erlang shell attached to the running ejabberd server. Just starting erl and calling that command is not enought, and you get that error.

Another way to change a password is using the WebAdmin. Or also using ejabberdctl.

Re: admin password

krony wrote:

when I want to configure my ejabberd, my login and pass are apparently wrong.

When the web browser asks you username and password, put the full JID, not only the login name:

admin password doesn't work


I have got same problem and I din't solve it. I have been installed ejabberd and I made it and wrote admin password where admin password section. Then I tried to get in web interface with "admin" user and password, I don't get in it. I think, admin password wrong.

Please help me how can ı reset admin password without doing another re installing ejabberd.

See comment under this

aliaras wrote:

I tried to get in web interface with "admin" user and password

I already asked this four years ago, you can see the comment under this one. Put the Jabber ID, not only the username.

Unfort this is not working

Unfort this is not working for me either. I've installed it on Windows 7 and put in the full JID (admin@localserver) and the password I put in during installation but it keeps saying auth error. No idea why it is the full JID.

EDIT: I ended up installing an older version (2.1.11) that fixed the issue, there may be a problem with the latest version 15.11

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