mod_logxml config problem

I'm trying to get mod_logxml setup but i keep getting an error and nothing is logged.
It's probably something simple I'm missing here.
Thanks for your help.

Server: FreeBSD 6.0
ejabberd Ver: ejabberd-1.0.0_1 (Freebsd port)


----------config snip-------------
{mod_logxml, [
{logdir, "/var/jabberlogs/"},
{rotate, days, 1},
{check_rotate_kpackets, 1},
{orientation, send, recv},
{stanza, iq, message, presence, other},
{direction, internal, vhosts, external}]},
--------end config snip-------------

Error message in log


=ERROR REPORT==== 2006-03-06 16:46:09 ===
E(<0.42.0>:gen_mod:46): {{case_clause,{value,{rotate,days,1}}},

You are not setting the

You are not setting the rotate option correctly. Please check the example configuration included in the documentation.
Instead of

{rotate, days, 1},

you should put

{rotate, [{days, 1}]},

Note that you can configure several rotation rules, and all of them will be enforced, for example

{rotate, [{days, 1}, {megs, 120}]},

ok thanks.

Thank you.

The config file for ejabberd is very different from what I'm used to so i was not sure on the syntax.

I'm still getting this error however.
Is it anything to be concerned with?

=ERROR REPORT==== 2006-03-07 17:00:44 ===
E(<0.42.0>:gen_mod:46): {badarith,[{mod_logxml,start,2},

New config format on version 0.2

You are right, there was a problem with the old config format, so I've reworked all the rotate* options on version 0.2.

If the format on 0.1 was like this:

{rotate, [{days, 1}]},

you must put something like this now on 0.2:

{rotate_days, 1},

I hope it's a little easier now. Check the example configuration on the page, and please report any other error you find.

i has another question

How to add mod_logxml to *.bin installation of ejabberd?

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