Hi everyone.
Does anyone know how do access the tables inside the Mnesia Database?
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Hi everyone.
Does anyone know how do access the tables inside the Mnesia Database?
Using the 'mnesia' library
Using the 'mnesia' library in Erlang/OTP.
Presence table
I need acces to presence table in mnesia while ejabberd is running.
Please how I do this?
You can try getting an
You can try getting an erlang shell from the local machine and using the command "tv:start()."
You can also link multiple nodes to use this. tv:start() will only run on the local machine node, so if u must connect multiple nodes, and start mnesia locally to then run tv:start().
Jeffrey R. | dS
erl -setcookie
erl -setcookie SOMECOOKIEFROMREMOTESERVER -mnesia extra_db_nodes "['ejabberd@nodename']" -name ejabbercons@myfqdn -s mnesia