Access to the table of Mnesia DataBase

Hi everyone.

Does anyone know how do access the tables inside the Mnesia Database?


Using the 'mnesia' library

Using the 'mnesia' library in Erlang/OTP.

Presence table

I need acces to presence table in mnesia while ejabberd is running.
Please how I do this?

You can try getting an

You can try getting an erlang shell from the local machine and using the command "tv:start()."

You can also link multiple nodes to use this. tv:start() will only run on the local machine node, so if u must connect multiple nodes, and start mnesia locally to then run tv:start().

Jeffrey R. | dS

erl -setcookie

erl -setcookie SOMECOOKIEFROMREMOTESERVER -mnesia extra_db_nodes "['ejabberd@nodename']" -name ejabbercons@myfqdn -s mnesia


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