Hi all,
I have been stuck for the past few weeks regarding the configuration of my server bosh.
In fact, after configuring my apache proxy and trying in vain to set up nod-xmpp-bosh, I am calling for your help.
My obvious problem today is that I do not manage to make my mini jappix work on all versions of Internet Explorer.
Nonetheless, the connexion works fine on Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.
Moreover, I would like to underline that when I type
In addition to this, I have a quedstion : Do I really need to configure Bosh server separately from Ejabberd, or can Ejabberd incorporate the Bosh server itself, knowing that my mini jappix is installed on a server different from my Ejabberd server (Ejabberd 2.1.x) ?
I really need your help because I am becoming seriously desperate on this matter. Especially that I need to deliver my project asap.
Thank you all in advance for everything.
I don't know if this will
I don't know if this will help you but I found that IE is more strict when it comes to Javascript cross-site connections.
In other words, in Firefox, Chrome and Safari, when loading a page:www.domain.com and accessing xmpp.domain.com:5280/xmpp-httpbind there was no problem.
However, this didn't work in IE until I changed the second subdomain towww.domain.com:5280/xmpp-httpbind . So, in IE, I guess it's cross-subdomain connections. WTF. Yay IE.