I'm currently running a Wildfire 2.6.2 server at Neowin.net -- We only run about 60 people but will be expanding that shortly. I am interested in converting the server over to ejabbered but wanted to know if there was an easy way to convert without redoing all the users, groups, and settings by hand.
Currently it is setup with Wildfire on one CentOS Linux server and our MySQL backend on another CentOS Linux server. I'd like to use a similar setup with ejabberd if possible.
Thanks for your help!
Converting shared rosters is
Converting shared rosters is probably not easily possible. But the accounts might be possible by playing withMikael Hallendal's script to convert from jabberd2 to Wildfire . If you can reverse the working of that script so that it becomes a script to migrate exported Wildfire accounts to jabberd2, you can proceed with this tutorial to migrate from jabberd2 to jabberd14 and then ejabberd . If you get this working, do not hesitate to contribute the script and/or a tutorial to migrate from Wildfire to ejabberd...it's one of the missing links in here ;-)
Someone did this:
Someone did this:http://www.vorpalcloud.org/~daniel/ejdtojive.txt