Installed ejabberd on a windows 2000 server and I am able to get normal chat/chat rooms successfully. It is fantastic.
Got some generic newbie question which i couldnot find in this forum search.
(1) Can someone tell me what is "Roster" and how/why it is used ?.
(2) I get Erlang window open with shell, but none of common commands (including help, /?, /help) works. Pressing ^G comes out. But it is nice to see console messages. What is the use of that shell?.
(3) My earlier company, we used mindalign chat server/client and when we login to the client it automatically connects to many chat rooms we connected earlier. Is it possible here ?, like the roster or any client software that can do that ?.
I tried Psi, Exodus and Trillian and Exodus is best for me as it is easy to start the Chatroom, Psi i could not issue /commands, trillian is basic client.
Thanks in advance if you could share some info.
Regards, Mani
Re: Newbie's generic question about ejabberd
(1) Can someone tell me what is "Roster" and how/why it is used?
> your contact list (in Jabber we call it your "roster")
(2) I get Erlang window open with shell, but none of common commands (including help, /?, /help) works. Pressing ^G comes out. But it is nice to see console messages. What is the use of that shell?
The Erlang shell accepts Erlang commands like: i().
That shell is interesting if you want to do some uncommon stuff. But a server is mean to run on the background, as a service. To do that, add this argument to the start script: -detached
(3) My earlier company, we used mindalign chat server/client and when we login to the client it automatically connects to many chat rooms we connected earlier. Is it possible here ?, like the roster or any client software that can do that ?.
I tried Psi, Exodus and Trillian and Exodus is best for me as it is easy to start the Chatroom, Psi i could not issue /commands, trillian is basic client.
It's client dependent I guess. Tkabber supports it for sure (I appreciate that feature). Psi 0.10 does not support it. Maybe the upcoming 0.11 does, or you can find a patch and distribute the modified version to your users.
Re: Newbie's generic question about ejabberd
Thank you very much for the reply. (I thought someone going to say read forum again :-) ). I downloaded the Tkabber and it is excellent. I am able add a grouproom just like other contact and it stays. Exodus also i am able to do this as Bookmark addition.
I am exploring with the web admin page, shared roster and wondering the addition there will be auto imported by clients. I am not seeing the imports but that must be the way i think to push the group rooms to everyone. Any idea on this appreciated.
Thanks, Mani
Re: Newbie's generic question about ejabberd
Hi badlop,
Please ignore my earlier post. I found your how to instruction on shared roster and that is what i am after. Double thanks for answering earlier and the answer that was posted already.
FYI, the Tkapper is excellent. On my shared roster (everybody group), i and Tkapper double click joins me to that conference. But Exodus and Psi are not, though they get online status if i manually search and join that room. So Tkapper is THE best :-).
Thanks a lot badlop.
Re: Newbie's generic question about ejabberd
(3) My earlier company, we used mindalign chat server/client and when we login to the client it automatically connects to many chat rooms we connected earlier. Is it possible here ?, like the roster or any client software that can do that ?.
I tried Psi, Exodus and Trillian and Exodus is best for me as it is easy to start the Chatroom, Psi i could not issue /commands, trillian is basic client.
It's client dependent I guess. Tkabber supports it for sure (I appreciate that feature). Psi 0.10 does not support it. Maybe the upcoming 0.11 does, or you can find a patch and distribute the modified version to your users.
Coccinella also supports auto-joining rooms.