
ejabberd is cross-platform, it can run on multiple platforms. This page lists all tested platforms on which people succeeded to run ejabberd on. If you want to contribute another success story, please add a comment. You also can help by providing useful remarks for your platform, if there are any. And do not forget that we will be eager to list your home-brewn packages on the download page.

Table of Contents

  1. Linux

  2. *BSD

  3. Windows

  1. Linux

    • Arch Linux

      Version Arch ejabberd Erlang
      current x86 1.0.0 R10B-10
    • Debian

      Version Arch ejabberd Erlang
      sarge (3.1) x86 1.1.1 R10B-10
      etch (testing) x86 1.0.0 R10B-9
  2. *BSD

    • FreeBSD

      Version Arch ejabberd Erlang
      6.1 x86 1.1.1 R11B-0 (*)

      (*) Using erlang-lite port.

  3. Windows

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Linux Distributions

OS: Arch Linux
Version: Current
Arch: x86
Ejabberd: 2.0.0
Erlang: R12B.1-1

OS: Centos
Version: Current
Arch: x86
Ejabberd: 1.1.2
Erlang: R11.5

Linux and Ejabberd

I am running Ejabberd on LINUX Mandriva 2008 with no problems! you can check it out by pointing your Jabber client to Supports SSL and TLS. Still working on the transports though.

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