I am trying to get a list of group chat rooms by using the following commands but it does not work. Is there another command to list available rooms?
./sbin/ejabberdctl muc_online_rooms Error: command "muc_online_rooms" not known. ./sbin/ejabberdctl status The node ejabberd@localhost is started with status: started ejabberd 15.06.21 is running in that node
Please, make sure you have
Please, make sure you have
enabled in your configuration file.You can add it in your section module:
mod_muc_admin: {}
Cool that worked on my
Cool that worked on my machine but on one of our server we have version ejabberd 2.1.10
I tried to add the following
to ejabberd.cfg and the server did not start.
Do I need to add another module to list muc_online_rooms?
mod_muc_admin is include in
mod_muc_admin is include in ejabberd starting from ejabberd 15.04. The release announcement is here: ejabberd 15.04