How the server to deal with the improperly exit

Hi All,
I have one problem about the ejabberd:
How the server know one user exit when the user exit with improperly way,
For example, one cell phone user, the phone's battery is goes off, the user haven't send the presence of unavialible.
If you know, please tell me, thank you very much.


ejabberd can determine when the TCP connection is interrupted or broken...

Ejabberd not honoring TCP

Ejabberd not honoring TCP keepalive in following case


I'm trying to get solved by setting linux tcp keepalive time very short interval (one minute), i.e., if client disconnect abruptly (such us power down or internet down) the ejabberd server able to get to know in one minute interval and able to release the client connection, I could able to confirm using admin interface. But same is not working if client is in session or conference room and if internet or power down, ejabberd is not able to release the client connection, it looks strange to me...I'm still working on this problem if there are any update will get shared immediately


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