multi-user room archiving and embedding into a web page

Is there a way to get multi-user chat room sessions to be archived? It's not clear to me if the mod_logdb mechanism is supposed to work for a multi-user chat room or not.

If it does archive MUCs, what options exist to get the data out? I'm putting together a web page which will show state for a number of different systems. As the MUC might be used to work issues related to these systems, I would like to embed into the web page the last N lines/minutes of discussion from the MUC. I was thinking about running a cgi-bin script (from the web page) to pull out the last N lines/minutes from the archive.

Another thought would be if there was a way to use a web based anonymous client to join the MUC and display the discussion in the web page directly through the client. Since the web page is used just for status, I don't want the user to have to login/join the MUC-- so a read-only client (if one exists) would be fine.


try mod_muc_log

> Is there a way to get multi-user chat room sessions to be archived?

Yes, try mod_muc_log.

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