Win2k ejabberd-2.0.2 installer

I tried to install ejabberd on several Win2k-machines, expecting no false on one machine.
But I've got every time an install-error.

Tomorrow, I'll try to install ejabberd on win2k3 at work.

Maybe, there is a mistake in the (german installer) version 2.0.2.
This message appeared during installation: A mistake is in the install-script.(in the end of the installation)
Am I the only one, who was shown this message (I can't believe), anybody else?

P.S.: After install I couldn't login as admin (password is true).
I think, it's an effect of the install-problem.


Try selecting English

When you execute the installer, it allows to select the language, right? Does the installation complete correctly if you select English?

So the error message is shown after copying the files? And the text is exactly this? "A mistake is in the install-script."

I've got installation error!

I'm using windows XP SP3 and got install error message saying (I've checked english language):
"Error running POST Install Script". The installation may have not completed correctly.

I've reinstalled but nothing helps.

Check log files

Check if ejabberd.log or sasl.log contain any error message.

Also check if a file with name similar to "C:\Windows\Temp\bitrock_installer.log" exists. At the end you'll probably see some error message. What does it say?

I tried it and didn't work !

Hello badlop,
my case is equal of the user MethoD, because I'm in WinXP SP3 and showed the same message "Error running Post Install Script.
The installation may have not completed correctly".

I checked the files ejabberd.log and sasl.log, but they don't have any error message.
I also looked for "C:\Windows\Temp\bitrock_installer.log", but it don't exist in any place.

I think: There are error in ejabberd's installer for Windows, in the version 2.0.2.

I can login!

I'm able to login as an admin despite installation error message occurs.

Have you typed your username correct in the username field on browser?
You should add "@computer_name" at the end of the username.

My computer name is eon-developer.
So my username is: admin@eon-developer

And finally ejabberd seems working perfectly so far.

Try the recent ejabberd 2.0.3

The recently released ejabberd 2.0.3 should have this problem fixed. If you try the new version and the problem persist, you can open a new thread.

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