Installation Hangs near the last step

Installation hangs on Windows XP near the final step. the installation dialog shows...
"Executing final installation script" I don't see any error message or anything.

Used ejabberd-2.0.2_2-windows-installer.exe on windows XP

Thank you,

Try the recent ejabberd 2.0.3

The recently released ejabberd 2.0.3 should have this problem fixed. If you try the new version and the problem persist, you can open a new thread.

ejabberd install

dawit wrote:

Installation hangs on Windows XP near the final step. the installation dialog shows...
"Executing final installation script" I don't see any error message or anything.

Used ejabberd-2.0.2_2-windows-installer.exe on windows XP

Thank you,

Don't worry : ignore this message, finally, everything is working fine ;o)

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