I'm experiencing problems with profil update.
It takes a lot of time to get profil, and sometime update forever until I stop the client.
I tryed with several clients like gajim, psi. Same problem.
I'm running : ejabberd 2.1.0-alpha, and have about 100 users.
Maybe something got similar problems with this version, I'm not really ready to update to the latest version, I don't want the service to be down for severals hours.
Any advice would be helpfull...
Does 'profil' mean vCard? I
Does 'profil' mean vCard?
I use ejabberd 2.1.0-alpha from ejabberd trunk SVN r1891, using internal authentication and storage (mod_vcard). When I update my personal vCard, I get a response immediately, without delay.
yes, vcard, same conf as you
hi badlop,
yes I mean vCard, sorry.
I'm using ejabberd trunk SVN r1758 with internal authentication and storage mod_vcard.
It usually take about 5 to 40 sec to load vcard infos when it works. And take about 1 mins to infinite to update. I tryed on several other computers too.
But sometime all load and update fine. So it is very hard to determine wich to way to search.
my server is not overloaded, about 15% cpu load average, only ejabberd is running on it and a small website. Contact list, messages, etc works fine with messengers clients. the only part that i annoying is vcard.
maybe do you have some tests ideas I could perform to me ejabberd server ?
Some ideas to try
I tried ejabberd trunk SVN r1758. With Tkabber 0.11 and Psi 0.12. Using both clients, I publish or retrieve my vCard immediately. I tried around 10 times using each client.
Working :)
hello badlop,
thank for the tip.
It is working pretty fast now, I modified the maxrate value, (doubled) and all seems to works fine.
Thx again !